The wine is a beautiful deep ruby red colour with a bright rim and vibrant reflections. The wine is clear and dense. It opens slowly in the glass and becomes more complex, with a very fine and pleasant aroma. On the nose, the first notes are of blueberry. A little plum is followed by a note of cedar, then a little dark chocolate and black pepper, and finally notes of tobacco and vanilla. The complexity of the aroma is therefore rich.
Vino je suho, toplo in mehko s svežino in finimi gladkimi tanini. Vino je okusno in se ponaša z močnim telesom. Ima zelo lepo ravnovesje, intenzivnost okusa je izrazita, obstojnost pa trajna. To vino je lepo piti, je kakovostno, harmonično, z noto črnega ribeza na pookusu. Vino je v odlični formi in lahko v dobrih pogojih skladiščenja zdrži vsaj nadaljnjih sedem do osem let. Odlično se spaja z jagnječjim kotletom s tartufi.
Grape variety: Merlot, Refosco